ARSYAD, F. S.; ROYANI, I.; ARIANI, M.; MONADO, F.; SUPARDI, S.; LESBANI, A.; SUPU, A.; LAILATUROFI’AH, S.; NINGTYAS, A.; SOERYA, B. Pengolahan Sekam Padi menjadi Silika (SiO2) dan Pasir Tambang Menjadi Pasir Besi (Fe2O3) di Desa Ulak Kerbau Baru sebagai Usaha Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Pertanian dan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa di bidang Fisika Material : Processing of Rice Husk into Silica (SiO2) and Mine Sand into Iron Sand (Fe2O3) in Ulak Kerbau Baru Village as a Community Empowerment Business in Agricultural Waste Management and Student Learning in Material Physics and Environmental Physics. Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 7–16, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.