Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation 2024-07-10T02:27:48+00:00 Dr. Shaum Shiyan, M.Sc., Apt. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Sriwijaya Journal </strong><strong>o</strong><strong>f Community Engagement And Innovation</strong> (Sriwijaya J Comm Engage Innov) or SJCEI publishes articles on community service activities. These journals also provide an academic forum for sharing information on fundamental and applied aspects of innovation for community service activities. SJCEI is an open-access journal (e-journal) that publishes scientific works based on science and technology in its application in society. This journal is published by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sriwijaya after being peer-reviewed by experts in their fields. As a scientific periodical,SJCEI uses peer-reviewers from various universities in Indonesia. The article must be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia.</p> <p>The scope covered in this journal includes, science and technology, health, pharmacy, clinical and community, applied and appropriate technology, agriculture, agricultural processing technology, marine products, and fisheries.</p> <p>The topics covered in this journal include:<br />1. Human development and national competitiveness based on science and technology.<br />2. Poverty alleviation based on local wisdom and resources<br />3. Management of rural and coastal areas with local wisdom.<br />4. Economic development, entrepreneurship, cooperatives, creative industries, and UMKM.<br />5. Development of environmentally sound innovation and technology.<br />6. Health, nutrition, tropical diseases, and herbal medicines based on local resources.</p> Literasi “GEMARIKAN” dalam Program Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) berbasis desa sebagai upaya edukasi stunting 2024-04-30T02:58:43+00:00 Sevi Sawestri Shinta K HABSARI Andi A PUTRA Subagdja SUBAGDJA Rezki Antoni SUHAIMI <div><em><span lang="EN-US">SMART Fisheries Village (SFV) Village-based is a concept of human resource development in terms of education, training, counseling, and business incubation facilities to improve the village economy. Human resource development activities are needed in connection with the SFV Program of Linau Village. The GEMARIKAN Literacy activity aims to increase community knowledge regarding the benefits of eating fish and awareness of the potential of fish resources in Linau Village. This activity is descriptive qualitative. The implementation of the GEMARIKAN Literacy activity consists of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The GEMARIKAN Literacy activity was conducted on November 8, 2023, at Dharma Wanita Rahayu Kindergarten, Linau Village, Maje District, Kaur Regency, Bengkulu. The participants of this activity consisted of 26 kindergarten students, 25 parents, and five teachers. GEMARIKAN Literacy Program was conducted through education. Introducing the benefits of eating fish for kindergarten students is an effort to produce a quality generation, especially for the development of Linau Village. Evaluation of fish species and marine organisms to kindergarten students has shown their understanding of the potential fish resources in Linau Village.</span></em></div> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation Teknologi pembuatan pangan fungsional snack bar berbasis SNE gambir dan ekstrak ubi ungu di UMKM penggerak Desa Ulak Kerbau 2024-04-30T04:19:54+00:00 Shaum SHIYAN Indah SOLIHAH Puji Rizki SURYANI Riana Sari Puspita RASYID <div><em><span lang="IN">The increasing prevalence of diabetes in Indonesia requires effective action to overcome it. One approach to prevention is to utilize natural resources in the form of gambier, a local plant in South Sumatra. This potential gambier plant was found in Ulak Kerbau Baru Village, Tanjung Raja District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province. In order to support the use of gambier and increase awareness of diabetes prevention, education and transformation of gambier into useful products is needed. One of the innovations is processing gambier with the main content of catechin and purple sweet potato with the main content of anthocyanin into a healthy snack bar based on SNE (Self Nano Emulsifying). The methods used include discussion, counseling, processing practices, implementation, mentoring, as well as monitoring and evaluation. The result is increased public knowledge about diabetes and preventive measures, as well as understanding about consuming healthy snacks that use local natural resources. Thus, it is hoped that this effort can contribute to preventing diabetes and utilizing the natural potential of the local area.</span></em></div> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation Produksi krim kolagen untuk mengatasi kerutan berbahan dasar daging buah alpukat dan minyak kemiri rumahan 2024-04-30T04:21:14+00:00 Widia PURWANINGRUM Jorena JORENA Adi MARA Hadir KABAN Bijak Riyadi AHADITO <div><em><span lang="EN-US">Decreased collagen can cause wrinkles to appear on the skin. To overcome this, we can apply collagen cream to our skin. Collagen cream also functions as a moisturizing cream, preventing skin aging, making facial skin supple and reducing the appearance of eye bags. Fruits that contain collagen or that speed up the process of collagen formation, one of which is avocado. Avocados contain omega-3 (Vitamin E) which is usefull for warding off free radicals, vitamin C which plays a role in moisturizing the skin., and reduces the risk of acne. Candlenut oil functions as a moisturizer because it is easily absorbed into the skin, making the skin surface slippery, smooth and soft.</span></em></div> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation Edukasi biota estuari bagi siswa di Desa Sungsang, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan 2024-06-14T03:29:49+00:00 Melki MELKI Riris ARYAWATI Isnaini ISNAINI Anna IS PURWIYANTO Jeni MEIYERANI Muhammad NUR <div><span lang="EN-US">Coastal</span><em><span lang="EN-US"> communities, including those in Sungsang Village, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, often do not understand information about estuary flora and fauna. In fact, this knowledge is important for sustainable use of natural resources. Estuarine biota education aims to increase student's awareness and knowledge about the types of estuarine plants and animals and how to optimally use them without damaging the environment. The target of this activity is the 30 students of SMAN 1 Banyuasin II who are part of the Sungsang Village community. The delivery methods used are lectures, educational games, and discussions. Observations during the activity showed high enthusiasm from the participants. This is reflected in their active participation in games and discussions. Feedback from students and teachers also shows that the material presented is relevant and presented in an interesting way. However, some students suggested improvements in the provision of visual materials and visual aids to better clarify the concepts being taught.</span></em></div> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation Pemahaman manfaat jasa ekosistem mangrove kepada masyarakat lokal Dusun Sembilang, Taman Nasional Sembilang 2024-06-14T08:07:45+00:00 Fitri AGUSTRIANI Fauziyah FAUZIYAH Ellis Nurjuliasti NINGSIH Hartoni HARTONI Wike Ayu Eka PUTRI Beta Susanto BARUS <div><em><span lang="EN-US">The benefits of mangrove ecosystem services for society include various aspects that are very important for human welfare. Mangroves are a natural protection against natural disasters such as tsunamis and storms, reduce coastal erosion, and improve water quality by filtering pollutants. This activity determines the local community of Sembilang Hamlet's understanding of the benefits of mangrove ecosystem services in Sembilang National Park. The methods used were small group discussions and interviews. The results show that local communities know the importance of mangroves in providing fisheries resources, building materials, and traditional medicines. Education and environmental awareness programs need to continue to be carried out to increase public understanding of the importance of mangrove conservation.</span></em></div> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation