Penguatan produk aromaterapi minyak atsiri pada pusat pengelolaan sereh wangi desa Payakabung di masa pandemi covid-19
Strengthening essential oil aromatherapy products at the essential oil refining center in Payakabung village during the covid-19 pandemic
Cymbopogon norsdus, aromatherapy, essential oil, PayakabungAbstract
Payakabung Village is located in the northern part of Indralaya and is included in the Ogan Ilir (OI) Regency of South Sumatra. This village farmer group was able to develop approximately 8 hectares of land to plant citronella (Cymbopogon norsdus). The processing of citronella essential oil is carried out by distillation or distillation. This distillation process leaves no residue at all. The results of this distillation produce distilled water and citronella essential oil. essential oil products produced by the people of Payakabung village in aromatherapy candles provide a development and refreshing effect for consumers. In addition, this product made from citronella essential oil is one of the real contributions of the university's role in collaborating with the community in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.