Literasi “GEMARIKAN” dalam Program Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) berbasis desa sebagai upaya edukasi stunting

“GEMARIKAN” literacy in The Village-Based Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) Program as a stunting education


  • Sevi Sawestri BRPPUPP, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
  • Shinta K HABSARI BRPPUPP, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
  • Andi A PUTRA BRPPUPP, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
  • Subagdja SUBAGDJA BRPPUPP, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
  • Rezki Antoni SUHAIMI BRPPUPP, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan


GEMARIKAN, Linau, literasi, SFV, stunting


SMART Fisheries Village (SFV) Village-based is a concept of human resource development in terms of education, training, counseling, and business incubation facilities to improve the village economy. Human resource development activities are needed in connection with the SFV Program of Linau Village. The GEMARIKAN Literacy activity aims to increase community knowledge regarding the benefits of eating fish and awareness of the potential of fish resources in Linau Village. This activity is descriptive qualitative. The implementation of the GEMARIKAN Literacy activity consists of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The GEMARIKAN Literacy activity was conducted on November 8, 2023, at Dharma Wanita Rahayu Kindergarten, Linau Village, Maje District, Kaur Regency, Bengkulu. The participants of this activity consisted of 26 kindergarten students, 25 parents, and five teachers. GEMARIKAN Literacy Program was conducted through education. Introducing the benefits of eating fish for kindergarten students is an effort to produce a quality generation, especially for the development of Linau Village. Evaluation of fish species and marine organisms to kindergarten students has shown their understanding of the potential fish resources in Linau Village.




How to Cite

Sawestri, S., HABSARI, S. K., PUTRA, A. A., SUBAGDJA, S., & SUHAIMI, R. A. (2024). Literasi “GEMARIKAN” dalam Program Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) berbasis desa sebagai upaya edukasi stunting: “GEMARIKAN” literacy in The Village-Based Smart Fisheries Village (SFV) Program as a stunting education. Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation, 3(1), 1–8. Retrieved from




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