Pengolahan Sekam Padi menjadi Silika (SiO2) dan Pasir Tambang Menjadi Pasir Besi (Fe2O3) di Desa Ulak Kerbau Baru sebagai Usaha Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Pertanian dan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa di bidang Fisika Material

Processing of Rice Husk into Silica (SiO2) and Mine Sand into Iron Sand (Fe2O3) in Ulak Kerbau Baru Village as a Community Empowerment Business in Agricultural Waste Management and Student Learning in Material Physics and Environmental Physics


  • Fitri Suryani ARSYAD
  • Idha ROYANI
  • Menik ARIANI
  • Fiber MONADO
  • Supardi SUPARDI
  • Aldes LESBANI
  • Amiruddin SUPU
  • Aniendita NINGTYAS
  • Balada SOERYA


Fe2O3, SiO2, sekam padi, pasir besi


An awareness-raising program aimed at processing rice husk waste into silica and mining sand for iron sand extraction has been implemented in Ulak Kerbau Baru Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. The research findings indicate that the commonly discarded rice husk waste, which pollutes the environment, can be processed into high-value silica for industrial use. Additionally, mining operations can extract iron sand with a higher market value. The research was integrated into the Physics of Materials course at FMIPA Unsri, providing students with hands-on experience in agricultural waste management. Dissemination of the research results to the community has also raised awareness about the potential of rice husk waste and mining sand in Ulak Kerbau Baru Village. The objective of the research, to enhance understanding and awareness among students and the community and introduce them to waste processing, has been achieved. Although the purity levels of silica and iron sand obtained are not optimal, the results still demonstrate the significant potential for waste recycling and sustainable practices. This integrated community engagement activity has contributed to improving knowledge and awareness among students and the community regarding waste management while promoting sustainable practices. The study findings provide a valuable contribution to reducing environmental pollution and driving sustainable economic growth through waste utilization.




How to Cite

ARSYAD, F. S., ROYANI, I., ARIANI, M., MONADO, F., SUPARDI, S., LESBANI, A., SUPU, A., LAILATUROFI’AH, S., NINGTYAS, A., & SOERYA, B. (2023). Pengolahan Sekam Padi menjadi Silika (SiO2) dan Pasir Tambang Menjadi Pasir Besi (Fe2O3) di Desa Ulak Kerbau Baru sebagai Usaha Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Pertanian dan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa di bidang Fisika Material : Processing of Rice Husk into Silica (SiO2) and Mine Sand into Iron Sand (Fe2O3) in Ulak Kerbau Baru Village as a Community Empowerment Business in Agricultural Waste Management and Student Learning in Material Physics and Environmental Physics. Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation, 2(1), 7–16. Retrieved from


