Inovasi Teknologi Pembuataan Mie Instan Berbahan Baku Dasar Tepung Jagung Inovasi Pangan Fungsional Baru

Technology Innovation for Making Instant Noodles Made from Corn Flour


  • Syafrina LAMIN
  • Zazili HANAFIAH
  • Muharni MUHARNI


Bergizi, pangan fungsional, sehat


Most of the people in RT 03/lk II kelurahan scales consist of peasants with low levels of education and welfare. At certain times when there is an abundance of corn fruit production it will have an impact on decreasing the selling value of corn. The use of pesticides to control insect pests by farmers cannot be avoided by them. This condition will worsen the health of farmers because chemical output in agroecosystems is very dangerous for the health of farmers, especially the emergence of various such as tumors, cancer and decreased immune systems that attack farmers. To overcome this problem, we need a technology for processing agricultural products into a healthy food ingredient, which is carried out by the Community Service team from Sriwijaya University: namely processing corn into instant noodles. This product is a perfect solution to overcome the problems that have been experienced by farmers. In addition to this functional food contains natural, nutritious and valuable ingredients for the field of medicine, especially for infants, pregnant women and young women. The benefits of these noodles include treating digestive cancer, constipation, cholesterol, diabetes, and for young women these noodles can tighten the skin. It is hoped that with counseling from the Sriwijaya University community service team it is hoped that it will be able to increase knowledge, skills in making instant noodles made from corn and make it a home industry and will ultimately improve people's welfare and health.




How to Cite

LAMIN, S., HANAFIAH, Z., TANZERINA, N., & MUHARNI, M. (2023). Inovasi Teknologi Pembuataan Mie Instan Berbahan Baku Dasar Tepung Jagung Inovasi Pangan Fungsional Baru: Technology Innovation for Making Instant Noodles Made from Corn Flour. Sriwijaya Journal of Community Engagement And Innovation, 2(1), 17–23. Retrieved from


